Al Hub Wa Al Salam Iraqi Globally NGO Al Hub Wa Al Salam Iraqi Globally NGO

Al Hub Wa Al Salam Iraqi Globally NGO

Al Hub Wa Al Salam Iraqi Globally NGO

Building a generation grounded

Building a generation grounded

Building a generation grounded in moderation, tolerance, and commitment to tolerant morals and principles.

Promoting social peace

Promoting social peace

Promoting social peace, respecting human rights, and achieving justice and equality for all segments of society.

Providing humanitarian,

Providing humanitarian,

Providing humanitarian, charitable, health, and relief services to those in need.

Supporting women's

Supporting women's

Supporting women's activities and empowering them to play active roles in society through workshops and educational courses.

                    who are we

who are we

ِAl Hub Wa Al Salam Iraqi Globally organization is a local Iraqi non-governmental organization established in accordance with the Law of NGOs under Reg.number 1B75256 In 2012. ​ Through its work, the organization has contributed to supporting thousands of families during various periods and humanitarian disasters. ​ The main office of the organization is located in Fallujah, Al Anbar Governorate, and due to the terrorist activities that took place in the province, the organization was forced to move its office temporarily to a safer area in Baghdad. The alternative office in the Al-Jamaa district in Baghdad Governorate to move forward in implementing its organizational role and humanitarian goals on the ground.

Our working process

Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation

We begin by scheduling an initial consultation with potential donors and partners to understand their specific requirements, objectives, and expectations. This allows us to gather all the necessary information to develop a tailored plan for the project.

Project Planning and Proposal

Project Planning and Proposal

Based on the information gathered during the consultation, our team of experts devises a comprehensive project plan. This plan outlines the scope, deliverables, milestones, and resources required for successful project execution. A detailed proposal is then presented to the potential donor, highlighting the proposed strategy and budget.

Agreement and Kick-Off

Agreement and Kick-Off

Once the donor approves the proposal, we proceed with the agreement signing. This formalizes our commitment to deliver the project as per the agreed terms. A kick-off meeting is conducted to introduce the project team, discuss roles and responsibilities, and establish clear communication channels.

Execution and Monitoring

Execution and Monitoring

The project enters the execution phase, where our dedicated team diligently implements the plan. Regular monitoring and evaluation are carried out to ensure that the project stays on track, addressing any challenges or modifications as they arise.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Throughout the process, we uphold the highest standards of quality assurance. Rigorous checks and reviews are conducted to ensure that all deliverables meet the agreed-upon specifications and comply with industry standards.

Donor and Partners Collaboration

Donor and Partners Collaboration

We foster a collaborative approach, encouraging regular communication and feedback from Project stakeholders. We value their input and strive to incorporate their suggestions throughout the project lifecycle.

“Promote the stability, well-being, dignity and safety of conflict-affected populations and survivors of gender-based violence.”

“Promote the stability, well-being, dignity and safety of conflict-affected populations and survivors of gender-based violence.”

  • The Iraqi Love and Peace Organization distributes food baskets to needy families in Hatra district, Nineveh Governorate
  • Projects
years of commitment
Successful initiatives
Team members

success stories

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