On the eighth of January 2023, Mr. Bahman, the Project Manager of UPP Bridge Development Project,

undertook a significant field visit to our organization's headquarters in Fallujah. The visit aimed to

enhance collaboration and experience exchange between our organization and the Italian

counterpart in the field of infrastructure development and enhancement.

During the visit, informative sessions were organized to raise awareness about the importance

of our activities and their positive impact on the local community. A productive meeting was

also held with the working team, discussing ways to enhance and develop future activities and initiatives.

Mr. Bahman expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the efforts exerted by

the Iraqi Al Hub Wa Al Salam Organization, while simultaneously praising the prominent

role the organization plays through delivering informative

awareness sessions and diversifying the provided activities.

This visit reflects our ongoing commitment to enhancing collaboration and sharing

experiences to achieve sustainable development and infrastructure enhancement in the region.