Within the Women's Voices First project
The Iraqi Love and Peace Organization carried out its activities in Al-Qaim and Fallujah
on climate-smart agriculture, implemented by agricultural trainers and community mobilizers
within the Rural Women Project between Equality and Economic Resilience in Climate Change
Conditions in Anbar, funded by Cordaid, where women were trained theoretically and
practically on climate-smart agriculture to improve nutrition. Providing income for nutrient-rich
vegetable seeds, in addition to training them on how to use dripping system to support their
agricultural project. Materials on the drip technique were distributed to the women beneficiaries.
We are working to enhancing the economic conditions of women in the regions that were
impacted by recent events in the districts of Anbar Governorate. Through this important project,
we aim to provide assistance to women beneficiaries in Fallujah and Al-Qaim.