UN-Habitat, in collaboration with Al-Hub Wa Al-Salam Iraqi Globally Organization (ILP), is carrying out

a vital COVID-19 awareness campaign funded by the European Union. The project aims to deliver

essential messages about COVID-19 to at least 10,000 individuals residing in Tel Afar District,

Ninewa Governorate, Iraq. ILP organization has been actively involved in raising awareness about

COVID-19 within the schools and neighborhoods of Ayadhiya, Zummar, and Rabea in Tel Afar District

. They have conducted informative sessions with school principals, teachers, students, as well as with

men and women within the community. Furthermore, households in these areas have been visited to

enhance understanding of COVID-19, its prevention, and mitigation strategies. Additionally, ILP has

organized tailored COVID-19 awareness sessions catering to diverse age groups, benefitting

359 males and 447 females. The distribution of masks has also been a part of these

efforts, contributing to the protection and well-being of participants.